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Six Week Certificate Course

What is the eligibility criteria?

The only requirement to join our ‘Six Week Certification’ course is that the candidate must be of 18 years and above and must have completed their 12th grade.

What is the difference between the ‘Diploma de Patisserie’ and the ‘Six Week Certification’ Course?

Lavonne’s Six-Week Certification course is designed for those who are looking to pursue a professional pastry arts course, but do not have the time or resources to take up our full Diplôme de Pâtisserie course.

It is a complete hands-on practical session, covering the basics of baking and pastry. At the end of the Six Week Certification course, we offer a certificate from Lavonne Academy (not from City & Guild, London, like our Diploma Course), and we also do not assist in any kind of internships or placements.

Do you provide internships or placements after the Six Week Certification Course?

Internships or placements are only considered for the ‘Diploma de Patisserie’ course. We do not provide internships or placements for the ‘Six Week Certification’ course.